Senior yoga

A gentle form of yoga, with soft, slow and safe movements suited for those, who are elderly, overweight, would like to keep or regain their strength, have not done sports for a while, and will also aid those recovering from illnesses or injuries.
Yoga exercises that help keep the physical body flexible, which will help promote the flow of vital energy. It’s not just the body’s muscular system that benefits but the internal organs are also filled with energy.

The exercises will significantly improve the body’s own healing abilities.
As a result, it improves our overall well-being and we can feel ourselves to be more mobile and energetic. This in turn increases self-confidence and leads to positive thinking.

Senior yoga also takes age characteristics (physical aspects / boundaries) into account when it comes to the structure and rhythm of the yoga class. Yoga poses are performed together to steadily make neglected muscles and joints more flexible again, and to promote bone cell regeneration. In addition, they enhance the lymphatic system and accelerate a slowed metabolism.

It’s never too late to start exercising!

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